We are accepting new members at this time
We are accepting new members.
- Come to the club any Thursday night 5pm to 8pm to join
Cost is $80.00 plus $5.00 for gate access card. $60.00 to renew each year. Cash or check only
Renewal period is October 1st to December 31st every year.
Membership Capacity limit is 1000.
Range hours are 9am to 9pm, or dark whichever comes first, Sundays Range Closed till 11am. Check calendar for events that will have range closed.
Maximum range distance is 100 yards no exceptions.
Download membership form from Resources The entrance gate is a ID card system. A $5.00 deposit is required to get your card. Your card will stop working if your membership dues are not paid by December 31st. If you don't wish to renew your membership and you return your card to the club, in good working condition, your deposit will be refunded to you.
Dear members,
Thank you all for your past support and effort to make Fruitport Conservation Club a place we can all be proud of.
Your support has allowed many improvements to the club in recent years. We have developed a 3D archery course, built a second trap field, and added more shooting benches at the range. We also have had new sand berms built and improved portions of other berms at the range.. This past summer we added fill sand near the archery tower to eliminate flooding in that area. We also have chosen to support many local conservation-minded projects and youth programs.
Club dues will increase to $80 per year to offset rising costs of doing business, maintaining the club, and funding future improvements. Our most immediate need is to rebuild the full length of the 100 yard berm. This berm needs improvement badly, and we have been lucky to find a great deal on the sand for this project, but it is still estimated to cost approximately $20,000 to complete the berm.
Thank you for your continued support in keeping our club a nice, and safe, facility for all to enjoy.
Fruitport Conservation Club Board